Area dedicata alle discussioni sulle problematiche derivante dall'utilizzo di un PC. Problemi e suggerimenti inerenti il software (sistemi operativi, programmi, periferiche, ecc.) e l'hardware
PC keeps rebooting itself - can anyone help me diagnose the problem (Windows XP)?
sabato 14 luglio 2018, 9:50
For a week or two now I have had a problem whereby my PC keeps rebooting itself. I've installed BlueScreenView so that I can check the MiniDumps, but it seems to give different fault codes and and blames different drivers....I did not notice any kind of pattern to begin with. Today though, every time I opened Chrome it would reboot after about ten seconds. This happened quiet a few times. But then after running CCleaner and a few scans it sorted itself out and I could use Chrome again. For a while.... Then the reboot happens again, again seemingly randomly. I have two spare sticks of RAM and have replaced the ones in the system with those. Still getting the problem. So that pretty much rules out RAM. I've no idea whether the problem is hardware or software related, and because I don't really understand what BlueScreenView is telling me (especially because it tells me different and varied things) I'm not sure how to approach the problem.I wondered if anyone here more knowledgeable about these things might be able to offer any advice and/or take a look at the MiniDumps to see what the heck's going on! Let me know what ever info you need form me and I will get it up here right away.
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.